I am always stressing over if I am doing enough work with my children each day. Growing up in the public school system and have public school teachers in my family has made it hard for myself to get out of the public school mindset of when things "should" be introduced and at what age.
I've been worried that my 8.5yo son is behind in math and my 6yo daughter is behind in reading. It's made me re-think this whole homeschooling thing...several times in fact. I would waffle between peace about what we are doing and dread that I was ruining our children.
Recently I've had a
whole new vision for our homeschool. I've been blessed with being about to speak with a God fearing woman who has been homeschooling for 20+ years! Her name is Durenda Wilson and she is the author of the newly published book (print and Kindle)
The Unhurried Homeschooler.
by Durrenda Wilson
Durenda Wilson has been very happily married to Darryl for 26 years and homeschooling for 20 years. They have eight awesome kids, 5 boys and 3 girls. Two are married, one is in college and the rest are still at home. Durenda is a Nana to three cuties! She writes for her own blog, Simple Nourishing Home, for The Busy Mom and Hip Homeschool Moms. She also podcasts with Heidi at The Busy Mom. She is painfully aware that she can't "do it all", she really doesn't want to and is realizing that her kids are going to be OK anyway. Her passion is simplifying, being authentic and inspiring moms to homeschool and mother in freedom and joy.
This is a wonderfully rich, quick read that is full of insight as a mother who has been there done that. She truly encourages an unhurried homeschool setting. Paying attention to the needs and wants of our children. Not letting them do whatever they want whenever they want, but paying attention to how they learn, what they want to learn, and when they want to learn. This is what she calls "being a student of our children."
In this book she talks more about why we need to slow down and learn to trust our instincts. Durenda gives a refreshing example of what homeschooling looks like in her family, while fully acknowledging, and encouraging, the reader to really find what works for their family. Inward battles and crisis are something we all deal with, points are written on both. You'll find encouragement for mothers to go through the motions of life and realize "that "school" is to revolve around home life, not home life around school."
Again, this book is wonderfully encouraging to the unsure mom who thinks she is doing too much, or those who they should be doing more!
Durenda has been kind enough to offer a SIGNED COPY to the winner! Make sure you enter below! If you would like to go ahead and purchase her book, you can find it at
Amazon in print or digital versions.